Use the pH paper to develop a table and graph o the pH of common things around your home.
Think in terms of at least 10 different liquids. 2. Vodka = pH 6
3. Diet Mtn Dew = pH 5
4. Orange Juice = pH 6 (barely visable)
5. Beer = pH 6
6. Hair spray = 6 (it was lighter than all of the rest of them)
7. Bleach = pH 68. Windex = pH 9
9. Oil =pH 4
10. Tide = pH 8Develop an experiment to see how much antacid is needed to neutralize an acidic liquid.
I took Oil and put 1/4 of a tums into one container, and 1 tums into another. Both became lighter, but the one tums seemed to be a little clearer. It was not as orange it was more like the color of the pH paper to begin with.